Sunday, September 30, 2007

Isn't this guy something? I love painting this new limited edition sculpture. Some folks hate him and some love him because of his unusual head, but he is in fact sculpted after the African Dongola horse. This is a rather ancient breed that comes down in part from the Barb, the same as the Arabian. This boy has had a new mane and tail added by the casting company Resins by Randy. Deb Buckler did the resculpting.
This one is painted in a smutty buckskin. His lower legs have been painted to look slightly dirty as if he were running in the desert. He also has some cracks in his unshod hooves. The open mouth is very effective and the sculptor has included teeth and tongue. Very kewl!

1 comment:

Stina Marie said...

I loved this horse the second I saw the original photo of him. And his trappings were awesome too. He reminds me of some of the cayuses I used to ride ;).